Over 25 Years of Legal Service to All Residents of Milwaukee & the Surrounding Area

We Fight For The Criminal Rights Of People Across Milwaukee

Everyone who has ever faced a criminal charge already understands the extreme level of stress and fear that comes with the pressure of the case building against you. Criminal accusations threaten to rob you of your freedom, your reputation and your personal relationships. As your criminal defense attorneys, we can help you take back some small amount of control.

At Laster & Associates, we are criminal defense attorneys dedicated to the protection of your rights. At the local level, you have many powerful protections that police and prosecutors will ignore. We step in for our clients to fight off the overreach of the authorities in their investigation of you.

Experience And Attention That Make A Difference

For more than 25 years, we’ve worked closely with clients facing the highest stakes in criminal cases. Where we set ourselves apart from other firms is our dedication to compassion and attentiveness to our clients’ legal fears and personal challenges.

We fight for our client-facing charges, such as:

In addition, as your attorneys, we can help you with the pursuit of an expungement or a pardon as the circumstances arise.

Understand Your Rights And How We Will Protect Them

Whether you are charged with assault, harassment, disorderly conduct or murder, your rights protect you in many ways. From your right to remain silent to your right to an attorney to your freedom from illegal search and seizure, you have protections.

All you need now is an attorney willing to fight to affirm those protections. Your life, livelihood and reputation are at risk. We will get to work to preserve them with all of the skill and strength at our disposal. Call 414-973-1945 or send an email using this form.