Over 25 Years of Legal Service to All Residents of Milwaukee & the Surrounding Area

We Fight Drug Crime Allegations In Milwaukee

Every criminal charge is a serious one; however, drug crimes are particularly challenging. Anyone facing drug allegations must understand how zealously prosecutors pursue drug charges. Fairly or unfairly, the pressure ahead of you is real, and you need a skilled drug crime defense attorney on your side.

At Laster & Associates, we are experienced, compassionate defense attorneys. For more than 25 years, people in Milwaukee and across Wisconsin have looked to us for empathetic counsel and unyielding defense. On drug charges, we advise our clients on the penalties and realities of their charges while upholding their rights every step of the way.

Your Drug Charge Is Part Of A Larger Campaign

The aggressive pursuit of drug crimes is part of an overarching goal to combat drug use and organized crime. And the charges against you are part of that. To the prosecution, you’re not a person; you’re yet another piece to put pressure on to get results.

However, because of that zeal and impersonal motivation, your defense has to be even more comprehensive. As your attorneys, we get to know you and your circumstances. Whether it is a drug possession with intent to deliver, felony drug charge or prescription drug charge, the circumstances and story of your situation matter.

Your Rights Must Be Respected

We put the prosecution on notice that your rights and your freedom are not going to be an easy case. We put pressure on the evidence against you. We investigate every claim in every testimony. We examine all the circumstances of the initial search.

Our fight against the evidence and the witnesses is important. We do not want to see you used as just another part of the prosecution’s goals – either as evidence against someone “higher on the ladder” or as an example of drug crime consequences.

We’ll fight to make the court and jury see you as a person.

We’re Ready To Get To Work For You

We are committed to finding the right way forward for you. We’ll fight for you in and out of court and demand respect for your rights at every turn. You can put your trust in our 25 years of experience to be as strong and thorough as possible. Call us at Laster & Associates or send an email using this form to get started.